5 Hair Growth Tips for Teens
Hi Babe! If you have been following Sunny In Denbigh on IG for a while you know that I have slowly cut the cord and have entrusted my teen girls to their own hair care. As a Self Proclaimed “Hair Whisperer” I cringe at some of the styles I’ve seen them come up with, but I trust that my years of guidance and the best 100% Natural Hair Products that their hair will continue to thrive. From some of your testimonials and “Ask Sunny” questions we know many of you are going through this transition and I thought I’d share how we’re getting through it with our girls using Sunny In Denbigh Products.
Who remembers the “Muffy Hair Story?” Marley AKA Muffy is my middle daughter and she loves wearing Bandanas. Well one day while I’m doing her hair I noticed a small bald spot, for the life of me I couldn't put my finger on why she could have gotten a bald spot. So we began Spot treating with our Intensive Oil right away. Then as we’re rushing off to school (Pre-Corona) Muffy walks out with one of her cute bandanas. I think I scared her when I yelled “That’s It” mystery solved the bandanas were tied in the same place every day and causing what is called Traction Alopecia. Thank God we have Sunny in Denbigh within about 6 weeks we couldn’t tell the bald spot was even there.
1. Trust the Process
Its ok to make styling compromises with your teens; A Strong base will ensure their hair continues to thrive as they begin to care for it themselves; Keep to the same Wash Day Routine beginning with our Overnight Deep Conditioner every 8-10 days and mix with our Protein Treatment every 3-4 weeks;
2. Limit The Heat
Heat Damage is probably one of the leading causes of hair loss; I remember as a teen I couldn't wait to press and flat iron my hair. We recommend limiting the number of times you add heat to your hair. If you enjoy a blow out every now and then try to air dry using rollers or under a hair dryer to limit the direct heat on your hair. Follow-up with daily use of our Herbal Growth Oil to add moisture to your strands; Let your hair rest in between blow drys.
3. Care for your Hair in Style
At this age many of our teens are trying “Up Do’s”, ponytails and braids, braids and more braids. While many of these styles are consider protective styles because they give your hair a rest from the daily brushing or combing they may be adding tension on your edges and scalp; Our teens are more prone to Traction Alopecia and we often receive questions about how to regrow edges. When we ask about their hair regimen in most cases braids or some other protective style is the culprit. How can you help this while keeping your style; Use our Hair Butter prior to installing a protective style and our Growth Oil daily on your scalp and hair while in your protective style. The Natural Oils are best for braids. Change the direction of your ponytail or updo every couple of days especially with extensions. Also resist the urge to pull your hair so tightly for longer than a day or two at a time. In the event your develop traction Alopecia use our Intensive Oil RIGHT AWAY! The sooner you treat the area the better chance you have of reversing it. Remember to use our Detox Clay after any Protective Style that has been in your hair for 6 weeks or more.
4. To Shampoo or Not to Shampoo
Our African Black Soap Shampoo is 100% natural with cleansing properties that clean hair without stripping the hair of its natural ingredients; Have your teen resist the urge to shampoo too often especially if they have dry scalp; We recommend every 8-10 days. If they feel like they need to wet their hair in between wash days use lukewarm or warm water with our Leave In Conditioner/Detangler and they can rinse and style; Great for Wash and Go’s ;
5. Pops of Color
This is usually the age when we experiment with color in our hair; I’m here for it!!! Do your best to leave coloring to professionals and be sure to follow up with our Deep Conditioner and Protein Treatment; Hair Coloring strips the hair of its natural oils so be sure to substitute using our Herbal Growth Oil and Hair Butter Daily
Hope you enjoyed these tips and I’m here for you Mom, we’re in this together. Be sure to check out and share our IGTV tutorials with your teens as they begin to fly solo with their hair care!! We recommend all of our Bundles to customers: For growth grab our Growth Bundle; For Hair that needs moisture grab our Hydration Bundle; For family’s of 4 regardless of each individuals Hair Goals or needs grab our Mega Bundle;

We Get Results.
My Teen Girls have thick Mid-Back and Tail Bone Length Hair Respectively.
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